Growing Agapanthus Flowers


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Growing Agapanthus Flowers


Growing Agapanthus Flowers

Agapanthus Flowers, also referred to as Lily of the Nile, African blue Lilly and African Lily, are one of the most delicate and elegant flowers available for your new garden!

The blooms on this species are exceptionally large with beautiful round clusters of blue, white or blue-violet.

The shape is quite similar to a funnel and the plant itself can grow between two and four feet with the clusters spreading about six to eight inches.

Like all gardens, certain preparations must take place in order to introduce a new flower species into the area.

You will want to consider placement in reference to other flowers as well as sun-inhibiting structures such as your home, trees, or other buildings.

Agapanthus flowers can sometimes be difficult to accommodate, as they are considered exotic.

However, if you follow a simple guideline you will be able to add these gorgeous additions to your home garden.

To grow Agapanthus flowers from the seed can often take weeks to even a couple of months. The process is quite slow and requires the seeds to germinate properly (spring weather is generally the best time). You want to ensure that the soil is well drained and that the proximity to the sun is optimal. Since these flowers are native to South Africa, their ideal climate is quite equatorial. Hence, they must always be planted where they get full sun exposure. Protecting them, also, by choosing a space near a wall or solid structure will help sustain their roots and overall architecture.

After you have chosen your area, you will want to use an organic fertilizer in the actual planting hole. This will help supply the needed nutrients to either the seed or the plant. If you're planting by seed, however, it is recommended that you first pot it until it has completely germinated. This ensures that it survives by protecting it from loss of nutrients during competition from surrounding foliage. Instead, wait until the seed has sprouted and replant it in your garden. The Agapanthus flowers should be planted no deeper than how it was in the original container or pot.

Next, you will want to use mulch around the plant with at least three inches of compost. Always water this flower until the soil is completely moist. Since it spends much of the day in direct sunlight, it must always receive the adequate amount of water to flourish.

If you are going to a nursery to pick up these flowers, always be sure to choose the ones that are extremely healthy and have indicators of new leaves and flower buds. This will ascertain that adding them to your garden will be a success. The best time to shop for this species is during the spring.

Remember, like all home gardens, you must always maintain the soil and surrounding area to ensure your plants are receiving the proper nutrients to thrive. By using organic mulch and compost, you will be encouraging the growth of your Agapanthus flowers and creating a beautiful landscape to your home.

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